My background initially was as a Fitness Instructor, having completed a Movement & Dance Teachers Certificate with the Scottish Keep Fit Association (1983 -1985), I then gained their Exercise to Music Teachers Certificate Course (1986) and completed further training as a Step Aerobics Instructor. I then went on to complete the BAWLA (British Amateur Weightlifting Association) Leaders Certificate (1987).
I stopped teaching exercise classes in 1994 but continued with massage training. However, whilst exploring reasons why both clients & myself had recurring issues with muscles & the skeletal system, even though we might have lots of massage, I came across Somatic Movement Exercises (2013) – and WOW – another of those “I've come home moments” occurred. Sensory Motor Amnesia - what it is, how it occurs and the benefits of releasing it – and why we need to be aware of what we are doing with our bodies (see my Somatic Movement page for more information) all made so much sense to me, and whilst exploring it for myself gained so much stability and yet freedom in my body that I went on to do training in it. So far, I have completed a course in the Fundamentals of Somatic Exercises; and have also gained the Certificate as a Somatics Exercise Coach (level 1 & 2) and also SEM for Scoliosis and certainly plan to extend my training with further courses. This also links amazing well with massage sessions, so I often link the two as well as running classes and workshops in Somatic Exercises and encouraging others to take up a regular, if not daily, practice. Over the 7 years that I have now been doing them I have gained so much freedom in my own body that it has been truly life-changing - and life-giving to me. Many people who attend my classes & workshops say that they wish they had found it sooner.
Having used Aromatherapy for home and self-use for quite a few years, out of interest and curiosity, I decided to explore massage and after taking part in a basic 2 day course, my full training and career in Massage began in 1990. Training initially in Swedish Body Massage, I then progressed to Clinical Aromatherapy (IFPA) and trained to advanced level in On-Site Seated Acupressure Massage (AOSM). I have also undertaken courses in Blending, Aromatherapy and Back Care; Aromatherapy and Stress; Swiss Reflex Therapy (which combines the powerful therapies of Reflexology and Aromatherapy); Thermal Stone Massage and Indian Head Massage.
In 2007 the opportunity presented for me to attend the basic training course (TT) with the NO HANDS® Massage company. I was just totally blown away by it and felt like I had “come home”, that I had found the style of massage that I should be doing and that strangely reflected me as a person too. It is one of the best massage courses I have ever attended, and I continued training to Practitioner, then Advanced and Advanced Plus levels, Deep Tissue/ Sports Massage and I also repeated some courses to improve the techniques and gain a better understanding. I have also completed training at Mastery Level which covers working with 36 different styles of massage, how we communicate with clients to help them get the best from each and every treatment session, and also working with clients who wish to undertake transformational work.
As a Bodyworker I work with the feel of the muscles and the tissues, to what the individual "body" needs. Sometimes working each side of the body differently and mixing up the pace of the massage - so definitely no pre-set routine here; Each massage unique to each client, at "this time", "in this" massage. The more I work in this way the more I feel that this is how massage should be done – doing a massage that really and truly suits “this” client and not the same one I just did on the client before or done on the same client in a previous session. It's almost like listening to the tissues of the body and moving and working with what "it" seems to want in any moment - maybe one fast massage move in amongst slow, deep work, or maybe a sense of needing to slow more or do still, light work as I sense a release happening from deep within the bodies tissues as it dares to let go of some deep-rooted history held at a deeper cellular level, or encouraging the client to let go of a holding pattern, that even they may not realise they have until I gently whisper - It's ok to let go".. or more vigorous or flowing moves if sensing that the body wants to release and flow and move more freely - breaking free from its stiffness......I love this way of working and helping clients release their historical limitations - fabulous!
A client recently commented after a treatment session that they had never known anyone to have as much Intuitive touch as I had - that they could never have described the massage that I had just done in a way that I could have delivered it, and that the intuitive sensitivity of me feeling into the tissues had allowed me to connect so well with their body as to deliver the treatment that they had absolutely needed - they were really quite astounded and blown away by it.... lol and kept saying so for quite a few weeks. Another client - a massage colleague - had another such experience - but this time with an incredibly very deep massage - that I had applied the depth with so much sensitivity and without causing pain to the tissues that I had, in effect, given them a master class in how to do it - Oh MY Goodness - I can only say I was in tears - to have that said by one of my colleagues was truly astounding..... I have to say that I believe it is through my use of and awareness of Somatic Exercise Movements that I have gained an ability to feel into where the clients’ holding patterns are and to work within that often very small area to help effect a release.
I feel my clients achieve better, more longer lasting results with NO HANDS® massage than with any other form of massage I have used in the past. I have clients who have been coming to me since 2003, who have totally embraced this approach to massage and all that it has to offer, reaping the benefits as they come back on a regular basis. Most of my new clients at present come from referrals or through "finding me".
In 2018 & 2019 I attended courses in the Neuroscience of Touch and Trauma Discharge Therapy - about the way touch using certain techniques, done at pace & depth that speaks directly to the nervous system has the ability to soothe and switch off our neural stress receptors and discharge ambient trauma. Again - another ah-ha coming home, everything making sense moment. This, for me, is truly stunning work... in truth I had already progressed organically to working in this way.... the outcomes from sessions with clients has been stunningly mind-blowing - for me as well as them.
During the Coronavirus lockdown in 2020, as a way of being able to continue to support people online, when not in person, I undertook and completed a Quantum Healing Facilitators course - I now offer these in groups as well in individual sessions. I also began and gained to Trainee Level a Psychotherapy conversion course using the base models of Transactional Analysis - that has underpinned all my NO HANDS® Massage training (Gerry Pyves being a trainer of TA & Psychotherapy/Psychotherapist) and I now offer sessions of Brief TA - in time this will progress to merging the physical with the mental-emotional being in the same treatment session, for now they are standalone sessions. Due to further training, I am now also a Life Script Coach helping you to delve deeper and rewrite your Life Script through the process of Fairy Tales.
2024 - Passed a 4 year Advanced Level 6 (degree level) Diploma as a Psycho-Tactile Psychotherapist registered with NCIP, (course accredited by NCIP). Psycho-Tactile weaves Nervous System regulation, and the connection between mind and body reactions to life - into one session. Think - talking therapy and a Trauma Discharge Massage to depotentiate, discharge, soothe and rebalance the nervous system, and bring ease to the physical body all in the same session. This is a beautiful, supportive - integrative way to support how our whole being reacts to stress, tension, anxiety and trauma.
It wouldn't be right to encourage clients to have treatments and engage in regular Somatics sessions if I didn't have/do them for myself. So, I certainly “Talk my Walk” and I am more in tune with my own body for doing it.
I look forward to continuing my career for many more years to come.
Most relaxing and uplifting experience made me feel completely chilled. Felt like I was walking on a cloud after my massage. I would recommend no hands to anyone, it’s just amazing. Susan incorporated the most amazing face massage at the end of my last session, it was truly fantastic, my skin felt so smooth, and my body revitalised. JD
This is a difficult one to really put into words as the wellbeing I feel generated is really quite phenomenal. I really do think it is a journey for the client - for as well as taking time out to relax and to focus on your well-being it is also to work with the massage therapist to really open up to the extent of benefits a NO HANDS ® massage can deliver.... and when you do you will never look back!!! LT
From the first instance of meeting Susan, I find her a lovely , caring, wonderful person who wants only the best for everyone. Her massage is an extension of herself, and that caring energy flows through to the centre of your very being. Bringing a mental and physical relaxation and improvement in the quality of self and peace of mind. You don't walk away from a session with Susan - you float. God Bless Susan, keep up the good work x PP
I have been a client of Susan’s for a long time now. During that time Susan has changed style of massage and become a No Hand’s therapist. This style of massage allows the client to tailor the treatment to what they want. Initially it was strange to talk through how I wanted to be massaged and how I thought I’d feel at the end, but this ensured Susan was fully in tune with my outcomes, body and where the problem tension was.
For me the relaxation starts just getting on the couch, knowing that I am in safe hands and about to experience a sensational massage. This safe, secure feeling flows throughout the massage experience enabling me to relax and take some time out of everyday things to focus on me. The feeling of total relaxation at the end of a massage is wonderful and it often takes me a while to come round and move off the treatment couch. The massage not only changes the way my body feels but also boosts me mentally enabling me to cope better. Susan is able to execute this style of massage with great passion and flare. She has developed as a therapist and has turned from a good to a fantastic therapist. She has a natural ability to listen to and attune to her clients. If you were thinking about having a massage treatment with Susan, I would say YES do it and you’ll be amazed. NH
Hi Susan - here’s a review you can put on your website or use in literature :-I have had chronic pain and tightness in my hip flexors legs & lower back for approximately the last five years. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hip joints and have a leg length discrepancy of approximately 1 cm. I tried physio therapy, chiropractic, Acupuncture, Pilates, cranial sacral therapy, osteopathy yoga, homeopathy and changed to an arthritis diet but none of these helped (apart from acupuncture which relieved acute symptoms and homeopathy which improved my overall wellbeing and some specific pains) I did not have enough cash to afford going to a therapist every week and I wanted to find a way to heal my own symptoms without someone having to “fix me” I was unable to walk my kids to school every day or walk around a small supermarket (such as Aldi) without being in a lot of pain by the time I got to the checkout. Standing in a queue or at a bus stop and lying in bed were also painful. I was unable to wear heels even small ones. I was very fatigued most of the time just trying to get through the day. By the evening I’d just want to sit with feet up watching tv. I did not know my muscles were held in a contracted state causing pain and draining my energy causing fatigue! I found Susan Roberts via Google search on “leg length discrepancy ”and it came up with her website. I booked on one of her workshops in January this year and bought the somatics book by Thomas Hannah which made a lot of sense to me. After the first workshop I did not notice a lot of difference, but I kept on going as it was relaxing doing the exercises about 4-five days a week. By the next workshop I was feeling the benefits. The first changes I noticed were that I had less pain on walking and when lying in bed. I also noticed I had more energy. This has continued to increase, and I am able to do more things. I would say my pain has reduced from being 9/10 on a bad day to 3/10 and I definitely can walk further and recover faster. I still have days when I’m in pain, but they are fewer and nowhere near as acute. I would recommend Susan to anyone as she really understands chronic pain and how to teach you to get yourself out of it. HS
I have had many massages but nothing like this. It is a completely different experience, so much more than just a massage. I wasn't sure what to expect but went in with an open mind and one massage later I was hooked! Now I look forward to my monthly massage and the time it gives me to relax, reintroduce balance and help me to have the energy to face anything that comes my way. It just gets better and better. The benefits last far beyond the massage - which makes it great value for money! Susan is lovely, makes you feel really comfortable and helps you to make the most of your massage. My advice, give it a go - there's nothing to lose and you'll find yourself all the better for it. KD
What an amazing experience, Susan you are wonderful therapist the journey has been amazing and I'm hoping to see you again for some more sessions. CS
Susan's No Hands massage is exquisite. The time that is taken in preparation to agree in detail (although in clear language) what the client wants from the session is invaluable. Each experience is different based on the agreed method she uses in the session. Whatever the experience, whether it be a real mind or body release or both, the benefit is notable in mind, body and spirit. Always a joyful experience. TB
What an amazing experience, Susan you are wonderful therapist the journey has been amazing and I'm hoping to see you again for some more sessions. CS
I've never had a massage where I've been asked about what I wanted from it and how I'd know it afterwards... but I gave it a go. After my first massage I felt stronger, tension between my shoulders had vanished (and stayed that way for a week!), and I felt more loving and mischievous - every outcome on my list basically! What I love about the massages is that no two sessions are the same - they are totally tailored to what you need there and then, sometimes not so easy, but Susan is there to help you. Sometimes I feel very loved. Sometimes I feel like crying. Sometimes I'm off in my own world. Every time it's been perfect, and I find the benefits of the session last for a lot longer than other techniques. I expected to feel 'pummelled' after the treatment but that's so not the case - you control how gentle/hard you want the treatment and yet the massage goes very deep. I really enjoy the no-hands massages and find they nurture my spiritual body as well as my physical body. SV
The massage itself was very relaxing - just the right pressure being applied, for me. I found my range of movement, especially in the lower back, improved, and generally felt much more supple and loose. I don't know if it was the questions asked - how I wanted to feel and what I wanted from the sessions - or something in the massage itself, or a combination of both that made me open my own mind. But I look at situations and people with a more positive mindset. I would greatly recommend No Hands Massage Therapy By Susan and intend to have more sessions myself. BP
I was amazed at how I felt after the session, wish I had learned about this years ago and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Susan’s workshops to anyone. (NE Commenting about the Somatic Exercise Movement Workshops).
Hugely recommend Susan.
The somatics techniques and framework she teaches are clear, concise and deceptively simple. For me, they were immediately effective.
I felt freer and more open both at the workshop and in the days subsequent when I've been practicing the movements at home. Looking forward greatly to the part 2 workshop! PE
Highly recommend! What a fabulous session I had today, had massage, arrived with my body firmly locked in its patterns, we discussed my needs, I felt so different afterwards both physically and mentally, my body felt so much freer, I feel like a whole weight has been lifted, fantastic!
Highly recommend Somatics too! Thank you! HC
Susan has helped me so much since I've started seeing her regularly for therapies. I'm now listening to my body more and understanding what my body needs. I feel so different after every session. I have problems with irritating back pain especially in bed. All me symptoms are eliminated after the massage. Throughout every session I get intense visions which connect my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self together xxx Thankyou Susan you are truly amazing. KH
Susan is the best body therapist I have ever met. Every session I am blown away by the release I get from my body, from someone who suffers from extreme stress and anxiety that is often is held in my body. I am amazed at the release I feel during and after my appointments. I just need to get to see her more regularly because the effects are so good. I have recommended her to everyone I know.
My work with Susan has been transformative. The impact of the somatic exercises and intuitive massage on my well-being and relationship with my body has been profound. My posture has changed, and my self-awareness has developed. Susan is a highly professional and supportive practitioner, and I wouldn't be where I am on my journey without her. I can't recommend her enough. CG
Relaxing tight muscles as opposed to stretching them, has always felt much better to me.
I was going to Susan for the amazing No hands massage when she mentioned somatics. I've had tight neck, shoulder, chest muscles for most of my life due to subconsciously supporting a neck injury.
Regular No hands massage with Susan was the only thing I had found that kept me pain free. Numerous physios and doctors have told me to work on strengthening the muscles in my core and upper body however strengthening them before realigning them just made me feel more tight and at worst I felt wonky!
Somatics compliments yoga, Pilates, and most other forms of exercise as it works on getting your posture back to its original "natural, carefree" position so that you can begin to improve strength all over and move much much better.
Susan is an amazing advocate, and her workshop was interesting, educational and ultimately life changing! She has years of experience dealing with wonky bodies like mine. In fact, I would suggest No hands massage compliments Somatics, and both compliment Life perfectly!
I can't recommend Susan Roberts No hands massage and Somatics highly enough. DL
Apologies for the long post but I feel it's important to set the scene 😊.
I attended one of Susan workshops earlier this year, I left feeling fabulous, balanced and above all comfortable in my own skin for the first time in years, I'm honest enough to admit that, despite my best intentions, I let my practice and development slip.
Roll on several months, I've been suffering from low back and hip pain to such an extent that the Dr had to be called because I was struggling to weight bear and couldn't manage the stairs, I'm 48 years old! I was prescribed heavy painkillers and muscle relaxents to release the spasms.
Today I've had a 1:1 session with Susan, I can't describe how much more comfortable I am, suffice to say that, once again, it's amazing. I'm publicly reaffirming my intent to keep up with my practice and ensure I'm moving with awareness, listening to my body, and making the most of Susan’s wonderful support. MS
I am so pleased I found Somatic Exercise Movements - I feel so much better for doing them, I used to do Pilates, but I feel this is better.
I get more release from the SEM, and I am learning that any issue I've got I can begin to free up and release for myself.... sometimes with your help and suggestions, but like today when I was doing the garden, I could feel I was struggling a bit with my movement, but I came inside and did some of the movements, and was able to go back out and finish off what I was doing - it was the SEM that allowed me to do that.
I'm really enjoying the sessions, you teach and explain everything so well, that we are learning not just about releasing muscles but in beginning to understand what we do that might cause the issues too. I believe in them so much I really wish I had known about them sooner, as I would have looked at training in them too - and would encourage anyone to do them... in fact I have been telling friends they should contact you. (semi-retired bodywork colleague).
Added by me: I am really touched by this comment as it is one of my peers, and it helps me a lot to believe that although I stuck my head out teaching such a new modality, that I really am working with something that does help people - a lot!